Object against WOZ value

In short

Do you think your WOZ value is incorrect? Then you can do several things such as: contact your municipality or file an objection.

On this page you will find an explanation of what you can do.

WOZ value yourself

Before you file an objection, it is wise to first check for yourself whether your WOZ-value is correct.
This page explains what you can do to check your WOZ-value.

Contact your municipality

Contact your municipality if you have a question about your WOZ-value. The municipality can often answer your questions directly.

Many municipalities offer you the opportunity to object by telephone (immediately when calling or after making a calling appointment). You can then indicate why you think the WOZ value is incorrect. The appraisser can explain to you why your WOZ value has been apprased in this way and can immediately correct an error if necessary.

If your municipality cannot answer immediately, they will contact you later. Sometimes telephone contact is automatically classified as an objection, if the municipality is unable to speak to you by telephone within six weeks after the notification of the WOZ value. It is important that the municipality confirms this to you. Then, you cannot be too late in making an objection. If you have not received this confirmation or if you have any doubts, submit a written objection within the period of six weeks so that you are not too late.

Even if you still want to file an objection after contacting the municipality by telephone, you must do so within six weeks of receiving the WOZ value.

Objection via your municipality

You can object to the municipality by letter or online, such as a web form or logging in with DigiD on a municipal WOZ portal. You can read how you can do this in the tax assessment notice. This can be done within six weeks after the date on your tax assessment.

It is important that you at least state in your objection:

  • your name and address,
  • which assessed WOZ value you are objecting to,
  • the reasons why you disagree with the value and
  • the date on which you send your objection.

If you wish, you can ask for an interview in your objection. We call this a hearing. The municipality may propose that the conversation take place at your home, so that the property can be viewed immediately. The municipality has until the end of the year to process the WOZ objection.

Too late to object

If you objection too late, the WOZ value is fixed. However, when you object too late, your municipality still must assess whether your WOZ value is correct. If it turns out that the assessed WOZ value is more than 20% too high, your municipality must reduce the WOZ value. We call this an 'ex officio' reduction. Such a reduction can go back up to 5 years. You must then submit a separate request to your municipality for each year to re-assess the WOZ value.

Example calculation

The assessed WOZ value is € 200,000 (20% is € 40,000). It turns out that the WOZ value must be € 159,000. The WOZ value is set more than 20% too high and is reduced to € 159,000.

Reaction on objection

If you have filed an objection, your municipality will evaluate your objection. You will receive a decision from the municipality on your objection. This is called a ruling on your objection.

Going to court

If you disagree with your municipality's response, you can go to court.

Read more about going to court