Announcement of the WOZ value

In short

If you own a house, you will receive the annual WOZ-value. The WOZ-value is stated on the tax assessment notice you receive from the municipality. Tenants of homes who do not receive a tax assessment notice or where the WOZ-value is not stated on the tax assessment notice may request a WOZ-value.

On this page you can read who receives a WOZ value and when.

Assessment of the WOZ value

A new WOZ value is assessed annually. This WOZ value is communicated via the municipal tax assessment notice. The formal notification of the WOZ value includes some fixed components: the address of the property, the assessed value, the year for which the assessed value applies, the value reference date (waardepeildatum), and the date (date of assessment notice).

Stakeholders receive WOZ value

There are several stakeholders for the WOZ value. The main stakeholders are homeowners and tenants. For example, the WOZ value is important for homeowners because tax is paid based on the WOZ value. And for tenants because of the setting of maximum rent price.

The WOZ value is announced to one of the homeowners, such as the oldest homeowner or the owner of a rental property, even officially there are more owners of the property. Other stakeholders, such as new owner (buyer) or co-owners, can request a formal notification of the WOZ value. Tenants of social housing can also request their formal notification of the WOZ value if they have not received it on a tax assessment notice. By formally requesting the WOZ value, you can object to the WOZ value. If you only want to know the WOZ value, you can also visit the WOZ-waardeloket.

Published in the first eight weeks of the year

The municipality must announce your WOZ value in the first eight weeks of the year. Many municipalities therefore announce the WOZ values on February 25. In exceptional cases, the WOZ value can also be sent later, for example if further investigation is required first. Your WOZ value is stated on the tax assessment notice. This tax assessment notice contains a date (dagtekening). This date is important if you want to file an objection. This must be done within six weeks. The six-week objection period starts on the day after the dagtekening.

The WOZ values of homes are publicly available

The WOZ-values of houses in the Netherlands are publicly available. You can view them via the WOZ-waardeloket. If you want more information about your own WOZ-value, you can consult the WOZ appraisal report or contact your municipality.

It is also possible to request your WOZ-value via MijnOverheid. Please use your DigiD to do this. Usually you can also immediately view the WOZ appraisal report of your property via MijnOverheid.