Explanation of WOZ value
In short
The WOZ value is the market value of your house and is used, among other things, to levy various taxes. The WOZ value is assessed based on sales prices of comparable houses in your neighborhood and characteristics of your house. Municipalities assess your WOZ value annually.
On this page you can read what the WOZ value is and how your municipality assesses the WOZ value.
WOZ: the market value of your property
The WOZ value is the estimated market value of your house on January 1 of the previous year (the valuation date). In other words: the WOZ value is the amount your house (or commercial property, etc.) would be worth if you had sold it on the valuation date.
Your municipality assesses the WOZ value of your house annually and announces it in the first eight weeks of the year. You will receive your WOZ value by post and/or digitally via MijnOverheid.nl.
How the municipality assesses this value is stipulated in the Act on Real Estate Assessment (Wet Waardering Onroerende Zaken or Wet WOZ).
Read more about the annual publication of the WOZ value
Base: housing characteristics and homes sold
To assess a correct value for your home, municipalities start from the characteristics of your house. Some of the characteristics used are:
- Area of the house and of any land that may belong to the house.
- The location of the property
- Maintenance condition of the house (interior and exterior of the house)
- Characteristics such as: type of house, year of construction, existing outbuildings
To appraise the WOZ value, your house is compared with sold houses in your neighborhood or surrounding area. The WOZ value is the market value of your home on January 1 of the previous year (the valuation date: waardepeildatum). When assessing this value, valuation regulations imposed by the Act (Wet WOZ) are taken into account.

How is the WOZ value assessed?
Read more about what is done to assess your WOZ value
The WOZ value is used for tax purposes
The WOZ value is used by:
Municipalities: use the WOZ value for the property tax (OZB) and sometimes for other taxes such as sewage water charges.
National Tax Administration: use the WOZ value for income tax (the owner occupied home tax), corporate income tax, and inheritance tax.
Polderboards: use the WOZ value for their property tax (watersystemhefffing).
Furthermore, the WOZ value is also used by other organizations (for example, the Central Bureau of Statistics and notaries) and for other purposes, such as setting the maximum rent price for social housing.
Where can I find my WOZ value?
The WOZ value of houses is public for everyone. You can view the WOZ value of every house in the Netherlands via the WOZ-waardeloket.
Tax assessment notice
The WOZ value of your home is stated on the tax assessment notice from the municipality. You will receive this by post or via MijnOverheid (berichtenbox).
You can look up the WOZ value of your property via MijnOverheid.
Valuation report
The municipality must provide insight into how the WOZ value of your home is appraised. Youw il find this information on the appraisal report. You can request your appraisal report from your municipality. This can be done digitally and usually also via MijnOverheid. Sometimes this report is sent along with your municipal tax assessment notice. The appraisal report states the characteristics of your home such as the area and the year of construction. You will also find other information that your municipality used to appraise the value. For example, sales prices of comparable homes.

What can you do to check your WOZ value?
You can do several things yourself to check whether your WOZ-value is correct