Checking your WOZ value
In short
If you think that your WOZ value is incorrect, you can check this WOZ value yourself. If you still have doubts about the correctness of the WOZ-value after checking, you can contact your municipality. They can explain to you how your WOZ value is appraised and assessed. If you cannot reach an agreement with your municipality, you can file a formal objection.
On this page you can read how you can check your WOZ value and what you can do if you think your WOZ value is incorrect.
Ways to check your WOZ value
Would you like to check whether a WOZ value is correct? There are several ways to do this. We list the different sources of information.
1. WOZ-waardeloket
Via WOZ-waardeloket.nl you can view and compare the WOZ value of your home and other homes free of charge. You can make a comparison based on characteristics such as location, year of construction and living area.
2. WOZ appraisal report
The WOZ value is explained in the appraisal report. If you have received a WOZ value, you can view the appraisal report online by logging in with DigiD at Mijn.Overheid.nl or via the website of your municipality. The valuation report shows the characteristics of your own home and some sales prices and characteristics of relevant sold homes.
3. View asking prices in your area
If there are houses for sale in your neighborhood, you can compare the asking price of those houses with your WOZ value. The differences between houses are important in the comparison, but also the moment at which the house was sold (the valuation date of the WOZ value is always one year earlier). You can find this information, for example, on a site such as Funda.nl.
4. Request sales prices at the Cadastre
Sales prices of other properties and additional information about these properties can be requested from the Casatre. There are costs involved.
Contact with your municipality
The municipality can often answer questions about your WOZ value well and explain how your WOZ value was assessed. An appraiser can also look with you to your property and possibly adjust the WOZ value if an error has been made. You can read how to contact your municipality on their website or your tax assessment notice.
Appeal against your WOZ value?
After checking your WOZ value, do you still have the feeling that your WOZ value is incorrect? Then you can object to your WOZ value wirh your municipality.

The Netherlands Council for Real Estate Assessment checks the WOZ values
It is important that you take a critical look at your WOZ value.
Before municipalities publish the WOZ values, they have already checked them. Furthermore, the Netherlands Council for Real Estate Assessment checks the WOZ values that municipalities assess and the data they use for the appraisal and assessment.
Read more about checking your WOZ value